Your Trusted, Local Job Seeking & Staffing Agency!

About Us

We are your local recruitment and staffing agency for all of Lake and Mendocino Counties!

We provide temporary, or permanent, employees to our clients job sites as needed. All of our employees are pre-screened, qualified and registered through our extensive application process so you can be assured you're getting the best!

We are proud to have a strong in-house staff dedicated to providing excellent services to our clients, employees and applicants!

The Works was started by Larry and Kandy Heal, a husband and wife team! Since 2003 we have received consistent positive reviews from clients and employees who have worked with/through us. Our most important win is making YOU a happy, life-long client.

It's truly not just business, it's people!


Our Staff

Managing Director: Kristy Kelsay

Kristy is the Managing Director for our office! She leads the team in all business relations, including new client communications and employee introduction to our workforce. She has extensive administrative skills acquired while working with other local companies like UVMC and MCDH (among others) where she's received glowing reviews! She has a background in business management, human resources, and employee supervision - giving her the perfect combination of knowledge to be the excellent director that she is.

Kristy’s hometown is Lakeport, CA where she lived for eighteen years, and has resided in Ukiah/Willits areas for well over 20 years. She is a loving mother of four, and grandmother to two little boys! She enjoys the beach, walks in the redwoods and is a regular visitor to our coast. She truly believes that “It’s not just business, It’s people,” and her caring, compassionate yet professional personality is what allows her to run The Works as it is!

Contact Kristy
Office: (707) 467-0117
Cell: (707) 322-8049
[email protected]

Human Resource Manager: Courtney Wirth

Courtney is the HR Manager for our office! She works diligently to send the best possible candidates for our client requests and works very closely with all of our employees. She came to us with experience in public relations after a sabbatical to be home with her children, whom she loves to spend time with.

She has worked hard to operate and successfully take action to be a great coordinator. She brought with her the ability to multitask and work efficiently and professionally. She takes the time to listen to each applicant’s history, their specific needs and looks beyond the resume. She wholeheartedly cares and strives to send each applicant out to the most suitable and fulfilling position so that they, too, can look forward to going to work each and every day!

Contact Courtney

Cell: (707) 472-6636 
Office: (707) 467-0117
[email protected]

Founders: Larry and Kandy Heal

Larry and Kandy Heal are the husband and wife team who founded the company over 20 years ago! They are very proud of the business they have built. Kandy started in January 2003, and Larry joined the business full-time in January 2004. They have worked hard to provide a comprehensive service for Lake and Mendocino Counties in Northern California. They take pride in The Works and are very happy to have the dedicated and loyal staff they can TRUST.

They recently moved to Florida where Kandy handles all of our accounting and back office work, while working closely with our California staff! Kandy and Larry welcome any comments or suggestions you may have to improve the services The Works provides.

Contact Larry or Kandy Heal
Office: (386) 234-5670
[email protected]
[email protected]

Company Courier: Roger Kelsay

Roger has been with our company for over fifteen years! We are thrilled to have him as our full-time courier providing invoice/paycheck deliveries, payment/time card pickups as well as handling many other tasks on the road for us. He is dedicated to prompt service with a warm personality and gentle smile - always running right on time!!!

Contact Roger

Office: (707) 467-0117

Cell:  (707) 354-0433

Social Media Manager: Shelby Danley

Shelby is the Social Media Manager for our office! She has been helping run our social media accounts for the last 2 years, and has a history of working at The Works over the last 15 years so she knows the business inside and out. She is taking over our social media accounts and website design as we transition to hybrid!

Shelby's hometown is Ukiah, Ca but she nows live in Alturas with her husband and son! She's now a full time stay at home mom but has 7 years experience working/marketing on social media as well as many years as an office manager making her the perfect fit for the job.

Contact Shelby

Cell: (707) 671-4519

Data Entry Assist: Emily Williams

Emily is our office's part-time Data Entry Assistant! She helps our team by entering all new applicant information into our system and keeping forms organized.

She's a local, born and raised in Willits! She's engaged with little boy and is very driven to help. She has many years experience in customer service and her fun yet professional personality keeps the office fun and organized.

Contact Emily
Office: (707) 467-0117
[email protected]